Okay people this is it! India will finally face Pakistan in the semi-finals. I have been waiting for this day since the quarter finals. This is the moment when the entire of the nation, will leave everything they are doing and will be glued to the television. This is not a match this is war!
We have been in war like situations with Pakistan since the time of their independence. So how do you expect them to spare us in Cricket. It is a Tom and Jerry chase but is a lot less pleasant. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Pakistan is the Pakistani guest we are taking care of at our country's cost. Yes, our dear Ajmal Kasab, my blood boils when I hear that name. I am sorry I am changing my topic here from less serious India vs Pakistan to a lot more serious an issue.
What had basically been revealed since the Mumbai terror attacks in terms of international relations and peace-keeping seemed to be following a well-decided and manipulated script. Do I call it match-fixing here too? India had clear evidence and verified of Pakistani involvement. The US recognized this fact and held on Pakistan's neck to do something about the terrorists being trained within its borders and surviving on their land at the cost of others’ lives, all over world. The UN had immediately called for some effective action. The Pakistanis had commenced a figurative response by immediately placing a terrorist leader under house arrest and banning that organisation. Namesake, I say. Meanwhile, the media and other parts of the powerful authority in India deny involvement in the attack or its grounding, blaming the Indians or Americans themselves. Media wants to show a different angle to everything. Only if they could show a something credible. I would have broken into their studio if they would have made a Sansani out of this.
Anyway, India’s external affairs minister kept up playing the war of words. Luckily, there was no sign of a military report or it would have been extremely risky for him to get through such situation. I personally think it achieved little or nothing. The openness of Pakistani involvement this time also had seemed to reduced American tendencies to link such events to the need for tackling the Kashmir issue. Maybe it was never the Kashmir issue. They just want to kill and do harm. In fact, there is nothing the US or UN or anyone else can do anything about the Kashmir issue, so they were off doing nothing - except perhaps encouraging the in-house parties concerned, to work things out directly. And those parties’ best approach was to preserve the territorial status and to try and normalize daily life hence improving the quality and frequency of interactions across the border.
Interestingly, the Babri Masjid destruction and the post-Godhra massacres seem to have marked in the motivation of the terrorists. We have a lot of them surviving in our own country, masked and pretty much active. There is a lesson here for certain extremists and nationalists within our country. Besides abusing human rights, their calculative and even fierce actions have contributed to increase and prolong conflict internally and internationally. Unfortunately, the viciousness can be confused with capacity, potency and strength. Our government’s security failure made it look even weaker than it had appeared so far. But I think they would have been more concerned about the general elections that were coming up at that time. People certainly started to believe ‘No security, No tax.’ policy and government needed to act really fast and smart to avoid such situations because the public was not wrong, isn’t it?
Military conflict might have helped the current government get re-elected, but the price that the nation would have to pay would be enormous. Why is it so difficult to understand that it is not about the reputation of the government under which this happened. It is about the lives of the martyrs that were sacrificed as a price? The most the home minister could do was to launch a plan for internal security and services. How well it is implemented yet remains to be seen. We still live in terror. Some 20 tickets for this Ind vs Pak match and the finals are already assumed to be in hands of these terrorists. Only if they could have paid more attention to this rather than arranging for VIP treatment for our politicians and celebrities. These politicians themselves have sicked out on all the resources that could have been used to assure people's security. This shows that they do not really care about the protection of general citizens.
Another part of blood sucking society is our nature of journalism. The terrorists attacked the upper middle class and elite, the terrorists hence receiving much more media attention, triggering outrage. Analysts state that the terrorists seemed to had the same style of attack as the New York attacks. Bombings that killed the masses did not have quite the same effect. The class stimulated or spurred in this manner may bring about some structural changes, hopefully in the direction of greater government responsibility and standards of act, but without letting go democratic freedoms. Have we really changed after this incident as responsible citizens?
Do we take interest in participating more in government, by creating an agenda for developing civil society, which remains stunted in India, and by expanding their own ranks through promoting inclusive economic growth.
My revenge on these monsters is to live happily, no matter what. Ultimately, for India, living healthy and fine will be the best payback on the criminals who promote, plan and carry out terror attacks. Living well means, striving for a just and prosperous society. India must have no more state sponsored violence against its own citizen from own group. So living well also means improving democracy and human rights in the country not restricting them. It should also mean putting India’s budding growth miracle on the firmer long run footing. India has to show the Pakistani people what is possible in politics and economics, if that nation is to work towards a government that serves its interests better.
The terror attacks came at a particularly bad time for our economy, with the global economic condition worsening day by day. Thus, improving security is now an economic policy and challenge as well. More conservative Indian economic policy reactions have been encouraging lately. It was a time of financial down fall for the country. We faced a different type of economic crisis than in 1991, but we have a similar opportunity to introduce further economic reforms, particularly with respect to financial growth of Indian industries –that require structural reforms that are already on the policy agenda, and desperately needed. How far have we succeeded in doing so? God knows. Kasab still lives on out hard earned money and we want to be fair to everyone. I am secretly proud of the action that we have taken because this is the only difference between us and them.
The strategic prize for India is still its tryst with destiny: prosperity along with democracy. That goal must not be derailed by 26/11.
Right now I just want India to send these buggers back to their country and win the world cup final! I am all set to cheer India and lot of motivational songs are running in my mind. Three cheers to our humbleness, consistently and strength. India! India!!